
What is Next.js?

Unlock the potential of Next.js, a React-based framework offering a simplified development experience for server-side rendering (SSR) and static page applications. Enjoy an intuitive page-based routing system with dynamic route support and flexible pre-rendering options.

What is ChatGPT?

Encounter ChatGPT, OpenAI's advanced AI language model, bridging the gap between human-like text understanding and response.

What Will You Accomplish?

Embark on a transformative learning journey as you craft a Next.js application from the ground up. Elevate your skills by integrating OpenAI's ChatGPT, empowering your application with a chatbot that responds to users' inquiries about specific technology stacks. The course is a hands-on experience, focusing on practical development techniques to seamlessly integrate the AI model into your Next.js application.

Course Highlights:

  1. Layout Mastery: Explore multiple optional lectures dedicated to preparing your application layout, ensuring a solid foundation for an improved user experience.

  2. Component Organization: Efficiently manage your code by organizing it into components, enhancing the overall structure of your application.

  3. API Route Establishment: Establish an API route to handle user queries, paving the way for ChatGPT's insightful responses.

  4. ChatGPT Integration: Dive into the initial integration of ChatGPT with a simple setup, laying the groundwork for interactive conversations

  5. AI Decision Parameters: Understand the parameters influencing AI decisions, gaining insight into the inner workings of ChatGPT.

  6. Markdown Magic: Format responses generated by ChatGPT in Markdown, adding a touch of elegance to your chatbot interactions.

  7. User Simulation: Simulate different user scenarios using session cookies, even if the course doesn't explicitly cover authentication.

  8. In-Memory Database: Utilize lowDB as an in-memory database for efficient data storage, optimizing your application's performance

  9. AI Memory Enhancement: Enhance ChatGPT's capabilities by storing chat history in an in-memory database, allowing for greater context awareness.

  10. Personalized AI: Infuse personality into your chatbot, giving it unique knowledge of a specific framework.

  11. Deployment Excellence: Bring your creation to life by deploying your application on Vercel, marking the culmination of your transformative journey.

Outcome: Gain mastery over ChatGPT and develop the skills to architect applications with Next.js and ChatGPT integration. Experience the synergy of cutting-edge technologies and unleash your potential in web development.


What is Next.js?

Unlock the potential of Next.js, a React-based framework offering a simplified development experience for server-side rendering (SSR) and static page applications. Enjoy an intuitive page-based routing system with dynamic route support and flexible pre-rendering options.

What is ChatGPT?

Encounter ChatGPT, OpenAI's advanced AI language model, bridging the gap between human-like text understanding and response.

What Will You Accomplish?

Embark on a transformative learning journey as you craft a Next.js application from the ground up. Elevate your skills by integrating OpenAI's ChatGPT, empowering your application with a chatbot that responds to users' inquiries about specific technology stacks. The course is a hands-on experience, focusing on practical development techniques to seamlessly integrate the AI model into your Next.js application.

Course Highlights:

  1. Layout Mastery: Explore multiple optional lectures dedicated to preparing your application layout, ensuring a solid foundation for an improved user experience.

  2. Component Organization: Efficiently manage your code by organizing it into components, enhancing the overall structure of your application.

  3. API Route Establishment: Establish an API route to handle user queries, paving the way for ChatGPT's insightful responses.

  4. ChatGPT Integration: Dive into the initial integration of ChatGPT with a simple setup, laying the groundwork for interactive conversations

  5. AI Decision Parameters: Understand the parameters influencing AI decisions, gaining insight into the inner workings of ChatGPT.

  6. Markdown Magic: Format responses generated by ChatGPT in Markdown, adding a touch of elegance to your chatbot interactions.

  7. User Simulation: Simulate different user scenarios using session cookies, even if the course doesn't explicitly cover authentication.

  8. In-Memory Database: Utilize lowDB as an in-memory database for efficient data storage, optimizing your application's performance

  9. AI Memory Enhancement: Enhance ChatGPT's capabilities by storing chat history in an in-memory database, allowing for greater context awareness.

  10. Personalized AI: Infuse personality into your chatbot, giving it unique knowledge of a specific framework.

  11. Deployment Excellence: Bring your creation to life by deploying your application on Vercel, marking the culmination of your transformative journey.

Outcome: Gain mastery over ChatGPT and develop the skills to architect applications with Next.js and ChatGPT integration. Experience the synergy of cutting-edge technologies and unleash your potential in web development.


今天通過學習如何將 AI 集成到您的項目中來增加您作為 Web 開發人員的價值!

歡迎來到令人興奮的 AI 驅動的下一代 Next JS 應用程序世界!

在本課程中,我們將創建一個名為“AI Blog”的軟件即服務 (SAAS) 產品。 我們將結合使用 Next.js、OpenAI 的 GPT、MongoDB、Auth0、Stripe 和 Tailwind CSS 來構建“AI Blog”。 AI Blog允許用戶創建一個帳戶(由 auth0 處理)、購買代幣(由 stripe 處理)並使用這些代幣生成博客文章,由 OpenAI 的 GPT API 提供支持。 用戶的代幣和生成的博客文章將使用 MongoDB 存儲。

在此綜合在線課程中,您將學習如何利用這些尖端技術的力量來構建快速、響應迅速且動態的 Web 應用程序,從而使用 AI 生成高質量的博客文章。 通過循序漸進的指導,您將獲得使用這些技術的實踐經驗,將您的願景變為現實。

首先,我們將深入研究 Next.js,這是一個用於構建 Web 應用程序的流行框架。 您將學習如何創建快速且響應迅速的頁面、管理路由以及集成 API 以構建功能強大且動態的 Web 應用程序。

接下來,我們將探索 OpenAI 的 GPT,這是最先進的語言生成模型,並學習如何使用它來生成高質量的博客文章。 您還將了解如何集成 MongoDB(一種可擴展且靈活的 NoSQL 數據庫)來為我們的應用程序存儲和管理數據。

此外,您還將學習如何使用強大的身份管理平台 Auth0 來處理用戶身份驗證和授權,以及如何使用領先的支付處理器 Stripe 來處理交易和支付處理。 最後,您將學習如何使用現代 CSS 框架 Tailwind CSS 來設計和設計您的應用程序,將您的願景變為現實。

在本課程結束時,您將掌握構建自己的人工智能應用程序所需的技能和知識,並在您的 Web 開發項目中釋放人工智能的全部潛力。 你還在等什麼? 立即加入,開始您的 AI 驅動的 Next JS 應用程序精彩世界之旅!


今天通過學習如何將 AI 集成到您的項目中來增加您作為 Web 開發人員的價值!

歡迎來到令人興奮的 AI 驅動的下一代 Next JS 應用程序世界!

在本課程中,我們將創建一個名為“AI Blog”的軟件即服務 (SAAS) 產品。 我們將結合使用 Next.js、OpenAI 的 GPT、MongoDB、Auth0、Stripe 和 Tailwind CSS 來構建“AI Blog”。 AI Blog允許用戶創建一個帳戶(由 auth0 處理)、購買代幣(由 stripe 處理)並使用這些代幣生成博客文章,由 OpenAI 的 GPT API 提供支持。 用戶的代幣和生成的博客文章將使用 MongoDB 存儲。

在此綜合在線課程中,您將學習如何利用這些尖端技術的力量來構建快速、響應迅速且動態的 Web 應用程序,從而使用 AI 生成高質量的博客文章。 通過循序漸進的指導,您將獲得使用這些技術的實踐經驗,將您的願景變為現實。

首先,我們將深入研究 Next.js,這是一個用於構建 Web 應用程序的流行框架。 您將學習如何創建快速且響應迅速的頁面、管理路由以及集成 API 以構建功能強大且動態的 Web 應用程序。

接下來,我們將探索 OpenAI 的 GPT,這是最先進的語言生成模型,並學習如何使用它來生成高質量的博客文章。 您還將了解如何集成 MongoDB(一種可擴展且靈活的 NoSQL 數據庫)來為我們的應用程序存儲和管理數據。

此外,您還將學習如何使用強大的身份管理平台 Auth0 來處理用戶身份驗證和授權,以及如何使用領先的支付處理器 Stripe 來處理交易和支付處理。 最後,您將學習如何使用現代 CSS 框架 Tailwind CSS 來設計和設計您的應用程序,將您的願景變為現實。

在本課程結束時,您將掌握構建自己的人工智能應用程序所需的技能和知識,並在您的 Web 開發項目中釋放人工智能的全部潛力。 你還在等什麼? 立即加入,開始您的 AI 驅動的 Next JS 應用程序精彩世界之旅!


Are you interested in creating engaging and interactive web applications? Do you want to learn how to build chatbots that can communicate with users in natural language? If so, this course is for you!

In this course, you will learn how to build a simple React application and integrate ChatGPT API to create a chatbot that can interact with users. You will start by learning the basics of React and how it can be used to create interactive web applications. Then, you will dive into the world of natural language processing and learn how to integrate ChatGPT API to train your chatbot and handle user input.

By the end of this course, you will have the skills and knowledge needed to create interactive chatbots that can communicate with users in natural language. You will also have a strong understanding of React and its capabilities, as well as ChatGPT API and its use in natural language processing.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, this course will provide you with the tools and knowledge needed to build engaging and interactive web applications. So why wait? Enroll today and start building your own chatbots with React and ChatGPT API!

Join the course now.


Are you interested in creating engaging and interactive web applications? Do you want to learn how to build chatbots that can communicate with users in natural language? If so, this course is for you!

In this course, you will learn how to build a simple React application and integrate ChatGPT API to create a chatbot that can interact with users. You will start by learning the basics of React and how it can be used to create interactive web applications. Then, you will dive into the world of natural language processing and learn how to integrate ChatGPT API to train your chatbot and handle user input.

By the end of this course, you will have the skills and knowledge needed to create interactive chatbots that can communicate with users in natural language. You will also have a strong understanding of React and its capabilities, as well as ChatGPT API and its use in natural language processing.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, this course will provide you with the tools and knowledge needed to build engaging and interactive web applications. So why wait? Enroll today and start building your own chatbots with React and ChatGPT API!

Join the course now.


Develop a human-like voice assistant with ChatGPT and Eleven Labs to make one of the most advanced Chatbots today so that you can prove that not only will coders survive the AI transition happening right now, but that they will thrive.

With just some basic knowledge on python and javascript, you are going to build Rachel Chat, a chatbot which uses the power of ChatGPT for conversation, whether it be for sales, teaching you Spanish (or any language), talking about sci-fi movies - whatever your interest and application is.

Companies are looking for developers who can build such tools and SAAS startups have a window to be first. If you are curious as to how you can connect new AI technologies to change the world then THIS is the course for you.

You will learn:

  • How to work with the Open AI API and Eleven Labs API

  • How to integrate React and FastAPI to build efficient and robust full-stack applications

  • How to build a voice assistant that actually sounds human (you can even use your own voice)

  • How to perform prompt engineering so that you can truly leverage and customise the power of AI large language models

We are truly excited to see what you develop, so make sure you share your application with the world.

See you in class!



Develop a human-like voice assistant with ChatGPT and Eleven Labs to make one of the most advanced Chatbots today so that you can prove that not only will coders survive the AI transition happening right now, but that they will thrive.

With just some basic knowledge on python and javascript, you are going to build Rachel Chat, a chatbot which uses the power of ChatGPT for conversation, whether it be for sales, teaching you Spanish (or any language), talking about sci-fi movies - whatever your interest and application is.

Companies are looking for developers who can build such tools and SAAS startups have a window to be first. If you are curious as to how you can connect new AI technologies to change the world then THIS is the course for you.

You will learn:

  • How to work with the Open AI API and Eleven Labs API

  • How to integrate React and FastAPI to build efficient and robust full-stack applications

  • How to build a voice assistant that actually sounds human (you can even use your own voice)

  • How to perform prompt engineering so that you can truly leverage and customise the power of AI large language models

We are truly excited to see what you develop, so make sure you share your application with the world.

See you in class!


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使用OpenAI API和最新的Web開發技術,例如React,Next.js,JavaScript,Node和CSS,您將學習如何創建一個功能齊全的AI功能應用程序,該應用程序可以為用戶生成PET名稱。

在整個課程中,您將獲得React Hooks的動手體驗,並學習如何使用Fetch進行API調用和NPX運行節點命令。 在課程結束時,您將擁有一個完整的工作應用程序,您可以將其添加到投資組合中,並用作求職面試的寶貴工具。

無論您是初學者還是經驗豐富的開發人員,與ChatGpt的這門課程都旨在為您提供將開發技能提升到一個新水平所需的知識和技能。 您不僅會學習如何構建AI應用程序,而且還將對機器學習有更深入的了解,這是當今就業市場中的需求技能。

通過參加這項Chatgpt OpenAI課程,您將有機會從事一個現實世界中的項目,您可以向潛在的雇主展示並展示您使用尖端技術的能力。 您將要構建的應用不僅有用,而且有趣且互動,這將使您的學習體驗更加愉快。

世界越來越多地轉向在家學習和工作。 這是您開始學習需求技能,展示這些編碼開發技能的機會,並獲得將激情發展成真實的東西所需的經驗。

ChatGpt不是替代品,而是一種增強工具和一個非常強大的工具,在編程和分析代碼方面,現在或至少忽略該實用程序,或者至少不給它進行適當的測試運行很可能很早就錯過了 優勢

這是確定的ChatGPT開發人員API課程。 完成最終項目後,您將仔細研究以下工具和技術:


  • 如何使用OpenAI API和Web開發技術構建AI應用程序

  • React,Next.js,JavaScript,Node和CSS的實踐經驗

  • 如何使用fetch對OpenAI和NPX進行API調用以運行節點命令

  • 如何使用React Hooks並為Chatgpt樣式應用構建交互式界面

  • 如何在現實世界項目中實現機器學習概念

  • 如何將應用程序添加到您的投資組合中並將其用作求職面試的寶貴工具

  • 如何對機器學習和創建自己的AI驅動項目的技能有更深入的了解

  • 如何在現實世界中工作並向潛在雇主展示



本課程需要零的先驗知識才能開始! 但是,一些基本的網絡開發技能在內,包括JavaScript肯定會以比其他速度更快的速度使您完成課程.

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使用OpenAI API和最新的Web開發技術,例如React,Next.js,JavaScript,Node和CSS,您將學習如何創建一個功能齊全的AI功能應用程序,該應用程序可以為用戶生成PET名稱。

在整個課程中,您將獲得React Hooks的動手體驗,並學習如何使用Fetch進行API調用和NPX運行節點命令。 在課程結束時,您將擁有一個完整的工作應用程序,您可以將其添加到投資組合中,並用作求職面試的寶貴工具。

無論您是初學者還是經驗豐富的開發人員,與ChatGpt的這門課程都旨在為您提供將開發技能提升到一個新水平所需的知識和技能。 您不僅會學習如何構建AI應用程序,而且還將對機器學習有更深入的了解,這是當今就業市場中的需求技能。

通過參加這項Chatgpt OpenAI課程,您將有機會從事一個現實世界中的項目,您可以向潛在的雇主展示並展示您使用尖端技術的能力。 您將要構建的應用不僅有用,而且有趣且互動,這將使您的學習體驗更加愉快。

世界越來越多地轉向在家學習和工作。 這是您開始學習需求技能,展示這些編碼開發技能的機會,並獲得將激情發展成真實的東西所需的經驗。

ChatGpt不是替代品,而是一種增強工具和一個非常強大的工具,在編程和分析代碼方面,現在或至少忽略該實用程序,或者至少不給它進行適當的測試運行很可能很早就錯過了 優勢

這是確定的ChatGPT開發人員API課程。 完成最終項目後,您將仔細研究以下工具和技術:


  • 如何使用OpenAI API和Web開發技術構建AI應用程序

  • React,Next.js,JavaScript,Node和CSS的實踐經驗

  • 如何使用fetch對OpenAI和NPX進行API調用以運行節點命令

  • 如何使用React Hooks並為Chatgpt樣式應用構建交互式界面

  • 如何在現實世界項目中實現機器學習概念

  • 如何將應用程序添加到您的投資組合中並將其用作求職面試的寶貴工具

  • 如何對機器學習和創建自己的AI驅動項目的技能有更深入的了解

  • 如何在現實世界中工作並向潛在雇主展示



本課程需要零的先驗知識才能開始! 但是,一些基本的網絡開發技能在內,包括JavaScript肯定會以比其他速度更快的速度使您完成課程.